Sunday, March 3, 2013

Earthquake Preparedness Kits

You Need to Be Prepared

If you live in a region of the world that is susceptible to earthquakes, then being prepared is a necessity, a fact of life.  
It is better to be prepared as it could be the difference between life and death. Earthquake preparedness kits give you and your family time for rescue crews to reach you, if you're stuck in one location, and it gives you the proper supplies if you are able to leave and relocate for a specified time frame until it is safe to return to your home.

What Should Your Earthquake Preparedness Kit Contain?

Some of the basic staples for an earthquake preparedness kit include medicine, batteries, flashlights, matches, solar powered charger for USB devices (cell phones, iPads, etc.), first aid kits and plenty of non-perishable food. In addition, as much safe drinking water you can store and carry.  See the video below for more great kits ideas, and products available on Amazon.Com.

Earthquake Preparedness Kit

Your earthquake preparedness kit should also include a fire extinguisher, sharp cutting instruments and heavy gauge tape (I recommend duct tape).  
You should make sure every member of your family is aware of where the emergency kits are located. It's a good idea to have more than one kit located around the house in strategic spots, in case you are separated from your family or part of your home is inaccessible after an earthquake.

Have a Plan - Know Where to Meet Up

Your family should also know exactly what to do when an earthquake hits. This is key in earthquake preparedness. If the home is too damaged to stay in, then you should have an alternate, known meeting location. Two-way radios are an essential item in case they are separated from the family and cell service is down.  

Periodically check expiration dates on canned foods in your kits.  Verify the expiration dates of medicines or over the counter remedies you've packed in your kits. Water should be replaced on a regularly basis as well.  Always make sure your earthquake preparedness kits are fully stocked and make sure everything is in working order, such as batteries, radios etc.  Hand cranked multi-function radios and lanterns are highly recommended, and don't require batteries.

Earthquakes happen all over the world and it is important you make sure that your family is prepared if you live in regions that are prone to earthquake activity. Earthquake preparedness kits help save lives. 

The Family Survival Course

To generate the best results with your earthquake preparedness kit
, you need to think of all possibilities, look at the resources you have to work with and put together a plan that is customized for you and your family.  The Family Survival Course can walk you through this, and prepare you for any future crisis.  This course has changed my life, and I have more confidence now that I have a plan for my family.  Check it out, you'll be glad you did, and it will walk you through all your emergency preparedness plan requirements.  

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